Saturday, November 26, 2011

This is what it looks like.

I can honestly say that I had close to no thoughts about food today. Crazy, especially for me who thinks about it nearly every waking hour even when I am abstinent.
I was busy today with recovery and service.
Had a great meeting this morning. Really it was a great meeting. volunteered to stand up and read which I haven't been doing lately, not sure why. After the meeting we had the "social time" where a group of us stand around just chatting and sharing information. My support group is absolutely amazing and I want to take advantage of that.
Came home and took a nap snuggled up with my baby while my hubby helped clean and prepare for people coming over tonight.
The friend that was going to come over for a crocheting class volunteered to skip it since I had kind of a full day. I am thankful that she recognized my need and was willing to help.
the rest of the day I was able to clean my kitchen in a lingering, non stressed, non hurried manner. What a difference it was to clean like it was nice but didn't matter instead of the stressed, frantic madness that my cleaning usually involves.
Only two of the ladies showed up to help cook dinner and prepare breakfast and lunch for the homeless and it happened to be two friends who I really enjoy spending time with. we had great conversation while serving others. A perfect kind of night.
My kids have frustrated me a bit. At times I am completely overwhelmed and just want to be left alone. I know I don't give them the attention they need or deserve. I'm just in a selfish place right now and I am not sure how to change that. I just keep trying to get them to entertain each other and leave me alone. Not fair to them I know. Maybe I will speak to my sponsor about this tomorrow and see what she says.

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