Sunday, November 27, 2011

The best kind of present

It dawned on me today that if this abstinent string continues I will have reached 90 days of abstinence just a few days before my birthday. What an amazing gift that would make for myself. abstinent and hopefully at my goal weight of 140lbs or smaller.
Not sure if the program is one that I will follow exactly for the rest of my life or not. I will always adhere to the tenements, but the whole program is so very strict. I have hesitations about being this strict for the rest of my life.
So today I commit to being abstinent for the next 87 days. Meaning, I will eat my proper measurements of food at three meals per day. Allowing myself a cliff bar as a treat no more than twice a week no closer than two days apart. I will call my sponsor everyday and will attend three meetings a week. It may not be perfect abstinence but it is what i feel I can do right now.

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